Help and useful resources for Paraplanners and Financial Planners

What's this page all about?

There's lots of support available out there for paraplanners and financial planners in the form of groups, initiatives and publications, but it would seem not everyone in paraplanning knows about it!

To help with this, Sparrow Solutions has collated a list of go to paraplanning and financial planning resources for anyone looking for techy support, getting involved with the paraplanning and financial planning community, information about what paraplanning is, or just somewhere you can go to have a natter with other paraplanners and financial planning professionals.

These are detailed below but we know there are more! If you know or run an initiative for paraplanners that not here and you'd like to be added to the list, just drop us a note telling us a bit more about it!


Paraplanners' Assembly

Paraplanners' Assembly and Big Tent – A group created by paraplanners, for paraplanners, with events giving support to paraplanners at every stage of their career journey.

Take me to the Paraplanner Assembly!

The Co-Laboratory

The Co-Laboratory - here to help financial services professionals develop and hone their 'human' skills through relaxed and interactive sessions and events.

Take me to the Co-Laboratory!

Octo Members

Octo Members  – A great networking app for financial planners, advisers and paraplanners providing high quality content, events, learning and sharing of good practice.

Take me to Octo Members!

Empowered - Facebook Group 

EMPOWERED - The Inclusive Community For Women In Financial Advice - a safe space for women in Financial Advice. Whether to bounce around an idea, ask for support, discuss cases or clients or business development.

Take me to Empowered!

Paraplanners' Assembly - The Big Tent

Paraplanners' Assembly Big Tent – A great forum for paraplanners to have a natter, ask questions and support fellow paraplanners at every stage of their career journey.

Take me to the Big Tent!

Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) Paraplanners Interest Group 

The CISI Paraplanner Interest Group - there is a group on Linkedin which has lots more info about this Group. They assist the CISI with events and initiatives for paraplanners, including the annual conference.

Take me to the Paraplanner Interest Group!

Personal Finance Society Paraplanner Panel

The PFS Paraplanner Panel - this is a group of paraplanner volunteers who help the PFS with their offering for Paraplanners. There is a group on Linkedin which also has lots more info. The panel assist the PFS with events and initiatives for paraplanner members.

Take me to the Paraplanner Panel Page!

Personal Finance Society - Getting you Started in Paraplanning

For anyone new to paraplanning - This is a really helpful guide to what paraplanning is, what qualifications might be helpful and how you can get started in your career....

Take me to the Guide!

Professional Paraplanner Magazine

Professional Paraplanner Magazine - This is the magazine for paraplanners, it has everything, technical stuff, regulatory stuff, paraplanner interest stuff, really the whole shebang! They also have lots of great events for paraplanners too! 

Take me to Professional Paraplanner!

Paraplanner Whatsapp group

Paraplanner Community - Those nice folks at Anthony George have created a Whatsapp group just for paraplanners! They are aiming to build a community, have roundtables and webinars to try and support all paraplanners at any stage of their career. 

Set up by Lee Old of Anthony George, you can request to join the group - the button below will take you to Lee's Linkedin profile where you can chat to him about joining.

I'd like to talk to Lee, please!

Financial Planning Today

FPT Magazine - This is another publication that has always been a friend to financial planners and paraplanners, with interesting articles, blogs and sections, well worth checking out.

Take me to FP Today!

Fidelity Paraplanner Technical Hub

Fidelity International - Fidelity have a tech zone for paraplanners with lots of technical content and support for doing the job, from tax articles to videos to events - lots to check out here.

Take me to the Techncial Hub!

Embark Paraplanner Room 

Embark have created a Paraplanner Room - 'a space dedicated totally to paraplanners', again with lots of technical content and support for doing the job, including articles and podcasts - also lots to check out here.

Take me to the Paraplanner Room!

Just Group - Paraplanner Support

Just have always had lots of help and support for Paraplanners - so they have created a suite of tools and articles to help you do the job - again lots to check out here.

Take me to Just!

If you run or have a great resource that helps paraplanners and would like to add it to the list, please just call Caro @ Sparrow: 

Office: 01664 503690

Phone: 07368 165496


Or drop us a note using our handy form: 

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